Using Paste Wood Filler Stain Interlux Interstain Paste Wood Filler and Stain fills the grain of the wood so that the number of coats of varnish can be reduced. It also stains the wood to enhance its natural beauty. Surface Preparation: Wood surface must be clean and dry. If bleaching is necessary, be sure to neutralize surface prior to application of any paint product. Sand with 80-grit production sandpaper. Wipe with Brushing Liquid 333 to remove sanding residue. Reduce stain with Brushing Liquid 333 to a consistency of heavy house paint. (NOTE: Excessive thinning will produce a stain only, not filling qualities). Apply filler stain by brush, with the grain. After the stain appears to flatten (5-10 minutes), wipe across grain with burlap pad until surface appears uniform. Use cloth moistened with Brushing Liquid 333 to even out any streaking that may have developed. When dry (4-6 hours), sand lightly to remove fuzz caused by grain swelling. Apply 4-6 coats of varnish. Applying Varnish to Epiglass Epoxy or Other Clear Expoxy Resins After applying epoxy, allow to cure for a minimum of 3-7 days. In cool temperatures, allow 7 days clear epoxies to fully cure. Scrub Epiglass Epoxy with a stiff brush using Interlux All-Purpose Boat Soap with Wax and water. Rinse with fresh water to remove soap residue. (SANDING WILL NOT REMOVE SURFACE CONTAMINATION). Wet sand the surface using 120-150-grit wet-or-dry sand paper Remove sanding residue by wiping the surface with a rag that has been dampened with Fiberglass Solvent Wash 202. Wipe only small areas at a time and change rags frequently. Sand in between coats with 220-320 grit wet-or-dry sandpaper. Apply 5-6 coats of Interlux Perfection Varnish YVA853, Schooner 96, Goldspar Clear 95 or Goldspar Satin 60. Sand in between coats with 220-320 grit wet-or-dry sandpaper. Remove sanding residue with a cloth that has been dampened with the proper solvent. Boating Tip: For maximum longevity of your wood finish system, only use Interlux Boatcare products when cleaning and maintaining your boat. Many household cleaners and some marine soaps, stain removers, teak cleaners and waxes will damage the topside finish. The information provided here has been reproduced courtesy of Interlux. Wholesale Marine reproduced this information 08/18/2009. #DIY #Interlux #Paint #Product Information