Boat Hydrofoils
Hydrofoils or Whale Tails, are a device that attaches to your outboard or out drives cavitation plate that provides lift at the stern of the boat which brings the bow of the boat down. This action is crucial to getting your boat up to plane quicker. Not only does this save you time and gas but it also increases overall speed. Hydrofoils are especially beneficial to small outboard motors as usually these units do not have power trim and have a very small cavitation plate and do not provide much lift.
Porpoising is a condition in which a boat will "bounce" while underway. The use of a hydrofoil will help eliminate this condition as it forces the bow down at all times. The other benefit of a hydrofoil is the gas savings it can provide. This is possible by getting the boat up on plane quicker and sometimes higher so there is less contact with the water. Large horsepower outboards can also benefit from the use of a hydrofoil as well. The power trim result is exaggerated and needs less movement to achieve the same result. An outboard hydrofoil is a great investment that will provide a better ride for all boat styles and sizes.
Wholesale Marine carries boat hydrofoils from brands you can trust like Davis Instruments and Stingray. Want to learn more about how a hydrofoil can benefit your boat? Read our blog article: Boating Basics: What is a Hydrofoil? If you have any questions about our selection, contact us at 877-388-2628 Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We offer same-day flat rate shipping. Make sure to inquire about our Captain’s Loyalty Program for additional savings on future purchases.