Marine Signaling Devices
`Expect the best but prepare for the worst’ isn’t just a slogan for boaters. It means that boaters are required to carry regulation safety equipment on board, however, it is unlikely that it will ever be used. To ensure the utmost in passenger safety and that of other boaters, boat owners will have taken classes in boating safety as well as carry life preservers and other required equipment on every voyage. However, there are other pieces of safety equipment to consider, as well as technological advances that may now make your simple flashlights and other safety gear obsolete. You may never have to send out marine distress signals, but it is not only important to be prepared, it is also required.
If you are thinking of upgrading your boat’s safety equipment, take a look at Wholesale Marine’s great inventory of marine distress signal components from leading brands like ACR Electronics, Cal-June, and Ocean Signal. A great item is Cal-June’s S.O.S. Distress flag. It is USCG-approved and is a highly visible 9-square feet with corner grommets and ties. It comes with its own reusable zip lock storage bag. If your craft is disabled in choppy seas, you’ll appreciate having Ocean Signal’s RescueME Electronic Distress Flare on hand. Visible for up to 7 miles, this signaling device uses LED light for a constant level of light output, yet stows compactly in a drawer, life raft or backpack when not in use.
Upgrade Your Marine Distress Signal Service Devices Today!
Another great option is ACR’s Firefly PRO Waterbug, a SOLAS-approved strobe light. It has a built-in water activation feature that works automatically when the unit is submerged. It exceeds USCG regulations and will strobe continuously for 56 hours powered by two AA batteries. Wholesale Marine also carries ACR’s SM-2 Automatic Crew-Overboard Marker Light that is ideal for use by divers, those in the commercial marine industry, and anyone who requires a reliable COB light. Its high intensity Xenon strobe light provides 360 degree visibility.
Wholesale Marine offers a comprehensive selection of boat parts and components including safety equipment, ready to ship out! Once you become a Wholesale Marine customer, our selection, expertise and customer service will make you a Wholesale Marine customer for life! When you require any item to keep your boat well-maintained, give us a call. For same day, flat-rate shipping and our low price guarantee, call us at (877) 388-2628. Be sure to ask about our Captain’s Loyalty program for additional discounts every time you shop at Wholesale Marine.