Hints to Achieve the Perfect Varnish Every Time

  • Round the edges of any scrapers with a file to avoid gouging.
  • Keep the sandpaper clean and change it frequently.
  • On bare wood sand by numbers, finishing the surface with a progressively finer grade of paper.
  • Do not hard sand edges. Sand only lightly to create enough sand scratches for the next coat of varnish to adhere.
  • Varnishing is best achieved on warm, dry mornings (cold weather slows drying and dampness spoils the gloss).
  • Always use a clean brush, previously used only for varnish.
  • Always buy the highest quality varnish and brush available. This will ensure you achieve the most attractive finish.
  • Clean new brushes before use.
  • Test the finish on a spare piece of wood before applying to the boat.
  • On large areas, use a foam roller to apply the initial coat, followed immediately behind with a wide brush for the finishing strokes. This is best done by two people.
  • Alternatively, having cleaned and washed the brush, suspend it by its handle to avoid any fishtailing of the bristle.
  • As the varnish ages in the can, you may find there are lumps or contamination. Filtering the varnish into a separate container through a paint filter, cheesecloth or an old stocking is a good solution to this problem.
  • Always pour the amount of varnish that you expect to use at any one time into a separate container.
  • When applying varnish, always be sure to have good ventilation. Poor ventilation will result in a hazy or flat finish.
  • Make sure that all joints are properly bedded down with 214 Bedding Compound. Varnish may not dry over some newly applied caulking type compounds.
  • Never apply direct from the can as this will introduce contamination.
  • Do not use varnish that has been open for a long period of time. It will have picked up dust.
  • Do not varnish wood when exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Never leave bare wood exposed too long as it will absorb moisture from the atmosphere.

The information provided here has been reproduced courtesy of Interlux. Wholesale Marine reproduced this information 08/14/2009.