Two-part epoxy fillersTwo-part epoxy fillers are the most widely used fillers in the marine industry. They are invariably solvent free. A benefit of being solvent free is that they do not attack the underlying primer.Epoxies must be mixed in the proper ratio. Too much curing agent and they will leave a sticky film on the surface that is not suitable for overcoating. Too little curing agent will weaken the filler and cause it to crumble later on.Epoxy fillers are preferred over polyester fillers below the waterline as polyester fillers have a greater propensity to absorb water.Dos and Dont's for paint finishesEnsure an even spread by holding the brush at 45 degrees, this minimizes brush marks.The best finish is achieved on large areas by two people, one to apply the paint, the other following immediately behind to smooth the finish.Clean or change brushes every 20 minutes or so.Always use lint-free cleaning cloths.Stir the can occasionally during the work.Dampen the ground with water before commencing painting to avoid any dust rising.Use a worn brush for the final coat, this will ensure less brush marks.Painting is best achieved on warm, dry mornings, cold weather retards drying and dampness will spoil the gloss.Always pour the amount of paint that you expect to use at any one time into a separate container.Always use the good quality china bristles for topside finishes.Always use top quality fine line masking tape to ensure good crisp lines.Never apply direct from the can, as this will introduce contaminationThe information provided here has been reproduced courtesy of Interlux. Wholesale Marine reproduced this information 08/13/2009. #DIY #Paint #Product Information