Johnson Outboard Carburetors & Kits


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      • Sierra 18-7222 Carburetor Kit Replaces 0396701

        Sierra 18-7222 Carburetor Kit with Float for Johnson/Evinrude Outboards Sierra 18-7222 Carburetor Kit with Float is designed for use in Johnson and Evinrude outboard applications. It is interchangeable with EMP 1300-01432, Johnson/Evinrude Outboard...

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      • Sierra 18-7046 Carburetor Kit Replaces 0439076

        Sierra 18-7046 Carburetor Kit The Sierra 18-7046 Carburetor Kit is a replacement kit for use with Johnson/Evinrude Outboards. All Sierra engine components are manufactured to meet or exceed OEM requirements. Interchangeable...

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      • Sierra 18-7043 Carburetor Kit Replaces 0398532

        Sierra 18-7043 Carburetor Kit for Johnson, Evinrude Outboards Does not include float. Sierra high-quality carburetor kits utilize superior corrosion-resistant materials and unmatched quality testing. Interchangeable...

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      • Sierra Carburetor Kit 18-7042

        Sierra 18-7042 Carburetor Kit for Johnson, Evinrude Outboards 18-7210 Float not included. Sierra high-quality carburetor kits utilize superior corrosion-resistant materials and unmatched quality testing. Interchangeable...

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      • Sierra 18-7223 Carburetor Kit Replaces 0398453

        Sierra 18-7223 Carburetor Kit Replaces 0398453 Sierra 18-7223 Carburetor Kit for Johnson/Evinrude Outboards. Sierra engine parts are manufactured to meet or exceed OEM requirements. Interchangeable...

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      • Sierra 18-7210 Carburetor Float Replaces 0382363

        Sierra 18-7210 Carburetor Float for Johnson/Evinrude Sierra manufactures high-quality engine parts designed to meet OEM specifications. Interchangeable with: GLM 77290 Johnson/Evinrude Outboard 382363 Mallory 9-36900

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      • Johnson - Evinrude 0396701 Carb Repair Assembly Kit

        Johnson - Evinrude 0396701 Carburetor Repair Assembly Kit Genuine OEM Johnson/Evinrude part. Application: 20 / 32 Cubic inches (1969 - 1990) 18 / 20/ 25 HP (1969 - 2005) 28 / 30 / 35 HP (1976 - 2005) 40 Commercial (1979 - 2004) 40 / 45 / 48 / 50...

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      • Sierra 18-7038 Needle & Seat

        Sierra 18-7038 Needle & Seat Sierra replacement needle & seat for Johnson/Evinrude Outboards. Interchangeable with: Johnson/Evinrude Outboard 387262 379312 396520

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      • Sierra 18-7221 Carburetor Kit Replaces 0439078

        Sierra 18-7221 Carburetor Kit for Johnson, Evinrude Outboard Sierra high-quality engine parts are designed to meet OEM specifications. Sierra carburetor kits utilize superior corrosion-resistance and unmatched quality testing. Interchangeable...

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      • Johnson - Evinrude 0439071 Carb Repair Kit Assembly

        Johnson - Evinrude 0439071 Carb Repair Kit Assembly Genuine OEM Johnson/Evinrude part. Application: 3 HP (1952 -1963) 3 HP (1964 - 1967) 4 HP (1965 - 1967) 5 HP (1965 - 1967) 5.5/6 HP (1954 - 1967) 6 HP (1969 - 1979) 7.5 HP (1956 - 1958) 10...

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      • Johnson - Evinrude 0439073 Carb Repair Assembly Kit

        Johnson - Evinrude 0439073 Carb Repair Assembly Kit Genuine OEM Johnson/Evinrude part. Application: 6 / 8 HP (1986 - 2005) 9.9 HP (1989 - 1992) 9.9 HP (1993) 9.9 HP (1994 - 2006) 15 / 13 Cubic inches (1989 - 1992) 15 HP (1993) 15 Big Bore...

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      • Sierra 18-7010 Carburetor Kit Replaces 0439074

        Sierra 18-7010 Carburetor Kit Sierra carburetor kit for Johnson/Evinrude Outboards. Sierra carburetor kits utilize superior corrosion resistant materials and unmatched quality testing. Kit Contains: (1) 18-2893 Float Bowl Gasket (6) 18-7106 High...

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      • EMP 1300-01895  BRP Carburetor Rebuild Kit

        EMP 1300-01895 BRP Carburetor Rebuild Kit This Carburetor kit is intended for use on BRP. Johnson/Evinrude outboard engines and meets all OEM requirements. Carb Rebuild Kit Application: For 1993-1998 Johnson/Evinrude V4 88-115HP Outboard...

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      Johnson OEM Engine Parts Finder

      Johnson Carburetors and Kits

      Gas that has been stored for a while can easily clog your Johnson outboard’s carburetors. Old gasoline deposits gummy residue in the carburetor float bowl and clogs the minute jet and fuel passages. Rebuilding a carburetor might seem challenging to those who have have not attempted this procedure before. Rebuilding simply means cleaning the varnish and gum from the float bowl, jets and passages. Even a first-timer should be able to do this in a couple hours. Wholesale Marine carries Johnson Carburetor kits and carb cleaners that make it easy to perform this task with ease.

      For boaters, performing simple maintenance procedures, provides a feeling of satisfaction. It also saves money and may also prevent expensive repairs later on. Below, Wholesale Marine provides a quick overview of the task so you can decide if this is for you or should be performed by a marine technician.

      Rebuilding a Johnson Carburetor Overview

      For Best Results Use Johnson Carburetor Kits from Wholesale Marine.

      • Detach all fuel lines including the primer bulb fuel line from the engine and the line running directly from the carburetor. Detach every carb-to-engine link then unbolt the carb from the intake manifold.

      • Disassemble the carburetor. Lay each component on a clean shop towel it will make reassembly go much faster. It will also be easier to determine what needs to be replaced and which components just need a cleaning. Set the needle and seat aside.

      •  Shake the float. If it is not empty, it needs to be replaced.

      •  Once the carb has been disassembled, clean every part thoroughly. This is the most important step. We recommend Quicksilver Power Tune and Sierra Carbon Free Aerosol to make this critical stage of the process easier.

      • Using a Johnson Carburetor Kit specifically for your outboard, reassemble the unit. Wholesale Marine offers an extensive selection of kits and components for specific Johnson models. If you are not certain which kit to buy, give us a call and we’ll be glad to assist you in making the right choice.

      Wholesale Marine provides everything boaters need for their Johnson engines. There is same-day, flat rate shipping on most items and a lowest price guarantee as well. When you join our Loyalty Program you’ll be able to use the points you accumulate today towards any future purchases. Just give us a call Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM until 6:00 PM EST at (877) 388-2628.